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Waterfalls Galore Plein Air Workshop
Rickett's Glen State Park
July 7,8,9 / 9am to 4pm
Cost: $275
Sponsored by UART Premium Pastel Paper
This three day plein air workshop will be held at beautiful Ricketts Glen State Park, which is one of the most scenic areas in Pennsylvania. It contains 22 named, free-flowing waterfalls, each cascading through rock-strewn clefts in this ancient hillside. Old growth trees and undergrowth add to the beauty. All painting will be near public areas with access to restrooms.
The focus of the workshop will be on skills and intuitive approaches to successfully paint lively moving water, as well as related scenes of rocks and woodlands. Each day will begin with a brief demonstration, followed by help at the easel and a class critique at the end of each day. The last afternoon will include a critique of all works for the three days. All media and skill levels are welcome!
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